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Week 3 : Daily Expression of Art

Automatic Drawing technique
Automatic Drawing technique

  Why is this practice important?

 One of the most useful skills in creating art is the ability to let your mind meander randomly, to allow it to make connections between seemingly unrelated things. 

 On a neurological level this is the ability to step into a state of flow that then allows the interaction of Theta and Beta waves to create Gamma waves; which are fundamentally, "New" ideas... the very source of creativity. 

 So practicing the skill of randomness, being in the undefined randomness, allows for this skill to become available when working on other, more focused projects. This adds that extra, "something" that makes a work feel inspired. 

Morning Pages
Morning Pages

  Why is this practice important?

 Another practice that is about developing a skill; this one is more about getting into the habit of clearing out random thoughts that linger in the mind, and therefore cloud thinking. This leaves your mind more open, with more available processing  power so to speak; to do the wonderful things that creative thinking requires. It then becomes a habit to have a clear canvas regularly on which you can begin to create.

 This can also often be the place where seemingly random thoughts can begin to brew into projects that grow from the deeper parts of our mind. Like other practices, this one benefits highly from consistency more than anything else. 

Mindful Movement

  Why is this practice important?

 This one is a bit more subtle and yet no less impactful. The act of moving our bodies in a conscious way; meaning that we are required to be aware of how our body moves, then begins to utilize some of that extra amount of sensation present in our bodies. Regardless of the source of stimuli. 

 This is all sensation created from various sources; things like pressure at work/personal life, stress, success, emotional turmoil, or unresolved experiences. This process does not dissolve any of the sources of stimulation, so in the long term those unresolved stimuli in your life will have to be faced. In the mean time, the sensation created in your body can be used as untapped, raw energy that you can learn to use in any project you like. 

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