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ATC : Fundamentals of Creativity 

Week 2 : Desire Contract

Desire Contract concept
Desire Contract concepts:

Big D desire: 

  This will be the overall desire that begins to drive you forward. In the case of your artwork, and artistic process; this will be the project you pick to begin trying out how to navigate your creativity. This is the inspiration that first got you thinking about a project you wanted to create. So it's important that you define it as simply as possible; maybe one sentence, and with as clear an expression of, "felt sensation as possible.

  For example; The painting will be of a woman, in watercolors, sleeping on her side, eyes lightly closed and hands relaxed, tucked next to her face as she sleeps on a pillow defined only by simple lines. 

Little "d" desires:

  These will be the steps and pieces that are important to creating the work above. As many pieces as you can be clear about the better. They must all have, at least in part; the feeling of the big D desire/project. 

  For example; 

  - Watercolor paper/paints; get them from the store and medium quality to ensure that simplicity and quality are balanced with my budget.

  - Large Paper; make sure it's smooth hot pressed paper so that the smoothness of the paper adds to the feeling of her smooth features.

  - Find an image that I can use, or ask my friend ____ if she would pose for a reference photo. 

  - Print out the copy of the photograph and prepare to transfer to the WC paper.

  - Schedule out 2 hour blocks for at least 6 days in the next two weeks to work on it.

  - Take photos or scan, and upload to website/instagram

  - forward to top three artists I've been in contact with and two of my fav art galleries.

Admissions & Offerings concept:
Admissions and Offerings concepts:


  Admissions are the things, usually ten or so, you need to acknowledge in order to be admitted into you own desire. Things you need to admit/FEEL; so that you may feel other inspiration in your work. They tend to be around decisions that you made to comfort yourself in face of the fear that you couldn’t have what you want - behaviors or circumstances you created as soft landing alternatives. Brene Brown said that, "We can't selectively numb emotion." Which unfortunately, in this case means that when we numb those things; we also numb our ability to FEEL creative inspiration. 


  “Offerings” is like your resume. Here, detail every skills and talent you can dedicate to achieving your desire/project. You get extra points for specificity - specifically what do you offer and where are you going to offer it.

  Some of these will overlap with Admissions, and might also not be considered typically, "nice".

  Example: I am proud and dedicated to get the best, most polished work into the gallery and for people to see. I am scheming and conniving and will always figure a way around obstacles. 

Desire Contract document

  Download Desire Contract document, and fill in sections. Treat it as a living document that you periodically re-print, update, and put into action.

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